Winterende |
Rhyming pattern |
Winter's End |
Es ist schšn, komm, wir gehn, uns den FrŸhling anzusehn! Wer den Winter sa§ zu Haus, kommt erwartungsvoll heraus. Sonnenschein lŠdt uns ein, wieder jung und froh zu sein. Nach der kalten grauen Zeit bringt uns WŠrme Munterkeit. Ach, wie haben wir gefroren, rote Nase, rote Ohren, kalte FŸ§e, kalte HŠnde, und ein Schnupfen ohne Ende! Doch vorbei! KŠltefrei fŸhlen wir uns jetzt wie neu! Laue linde FrŸhlingswinde sind geschwinde Zauberei! |
A A A B B C C C D D E E F F G G G H H H G |
nice outside, Let us
go Have a
look on spring! Who
was sitting during winter at home Comes
out full of expectation. Sunshine Invites
us To be
young and merry again. After
the cold grey span of time Warmth
brings us cheerfulness. Oh, Jack
Frost was reigning here Making
red the nose, the ear, Freezing
feet and freezing hands, Brought a
cold that never ends. That is
past! Free, at
last, From the
cold, a real blast! Mild and gentleWinds
of spring Are
quick Magic! |
A note for readers not familiar with German rhyming rules: It is perfectly "legal" to rhyme certain umlauts with
certain plain vowels as well as certain different diphthongs with one
another. (The Great ones, Schiller, Goethe etc, do it all the time.) |
in italics give the literal meaning of the German lines, without caring for
rhythm and rhyme. Lines in
normal plain face show first tries of rendering the rhyme and rhythm pattern
as well as the (gist of the) meaning of the corresponding lines. |